this was almost the back cover of the album... almost. |

this was an earlier back cover... you might notice a few different song names in the tracklisting. |

this was actually the first cover idea, which we eventually came back to in the end.

the "post-it note" idea showed up on several different cover ideas. |

obviously, the sunset w/ the messy watercolor overlaid was very popular all along. |

this postcard-lookin' idea was cool, but not cool enough.

this is the same idea as the last one, with a different title and no frilly border.

this one was just for fun... but the silhouetted horizon was so cool. |

ah... yes, the sunset again. this idea was kind of cool because i liked how simple it was.

this idea was fun to make, but it was definitely too goofy. |

this idea was cool (it's where the idea for the messy script text came from), but the sunset was prettier. |

this idea was short-lived, as we decided our faces on the cover might be dumb.

this is the original inside panel idea, but somehow, it felt too messy. |

this card is some of the handwritten text used in the final layout. |

this collage wasn't used in the final idea, but it's still cool, isn't it? |

more stuff. i think you can see this pretty clearly on the album. |

this is the original image that the final back cover came from. |

this is the back cover, step 2. |

and finally, the finished image... all it's missing is the text, which was added later. |