seven star cd
release show live @ mississppi nights, st. louis MO [with special
guests, ryan from supercrush; aaron, heeley and jack from somnia;
and mike from just add water on vocals]: 10.9.04
grant and dustin.
grant and jaclyn.
the band... well, except jerm.
and there's jerm.
the band, lookin' cool.
EXTREME closeup of grant's guitar and arm. crucial.
silhouettes are cool.
dustin, grant and jaclyn.
the band... kinda.
grant with the green stuff.
and it's jerm again.
the band.
blue lights.
the band.
grant and jaclyn.
the guitars and dustin's back.
jaclyn looks neat.
dustin and grant.
the guys join up for "hey jude."
it's just one big sing-along, isn't it?
everybody now!
the end... goodnight cleveland... er, i mean st. louis.